The 25th worldwide sketch crawl is coming up next weekend. What's a sketch crawl, you ask? It's a loosely organized event where artists, amateur artists, and anyone else who feels like picking up a pencil head out into their respective cities, draw what they see, and then post the results back to the forums at This is going on in cities all over the world and I'm hoping to get at least a few people from New Orleans to come out and represent our city.
The plan is to meet up at 10:30am next Saturday, November 21st, on the steps of the New Orleans Museum of Art and head out into City Park for a day of drawing (or an hour, or fifteen minutes - whatever you're up for). There's a thread on the forums that has a bit more info (
click here). Anyone reading this who will be in New Orleans on November 21st is heartily invited to join in.
And no, there are no pictures in this post. Sometimes life has its little disappointments.